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OMS Roll Kids Belchatow - rollowanie z d

Sports and being active are popular again and nothing would make me happier if it weren't for the number of sport injuries in children I see in my surgery. These injuries are usually caused by the lack of awareness of what's vital for a healthy, safe and successful training. 

It spurred me on to action. I've decided to run an educational programme for kids on how to be a healthy athlete. 

I could write a book, run presentations and training sessions but I was missing a tool that proved very effective in preventing sports injuries in adult athletes - a muscle roller. Simple to use, inexpensive and effective. But adult foam rollers were too hard for children. I knew I would need to come up with one that is suitable for children (6+ year old). A year later a brand new, OMS Kids Roll has been introduced. 

Until today it is still the only foam roller designed specially for children.

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By educating children and their parents 

about injury prevention,  

and an outstanding personalised approach 

to each of our patients, 

we can demonstrate to a wider audience 

that we can not only treat injuries in a different, better way 

but also stop a lot of them from happening in the first place.

the problem 

Sports and being active are popular again and nothing would make me happier if it weren't for the number of sport injuries in children I see in my surgery. 

These injuries are usually caused by the lack of awareness of what's vital for a healthy, safe and successful training.

I also see children and teenagers suffering from various issues, characteristic of developmental age caused by sparse or complete lack of physical activity, so common in 21 century.


It spurred me on to action. 

I've decided to create and run an educational programme for kids, and their parents about how to stay active, safe and, healthy during their developmental age.

the solution

I could write a book, run presentations and training sessions but I was missing a tool that proved  very successful in preventing sport injuries in adult athletes - a muscle roller. 

Simple to use, inexpensive and effective. But adult foam rollers were too hard for children. I knew I would need to come up with one that is suitable for children (6+ year old). A year later a brand new, OMS Kids Roll was introduced.

revolutionary training app for patients

After years of treating my patients' injuries, observing their rehabilitation, and working with my physiotherapists I wanted to  create a mobile application which would allow people to train safely anywhere. 

An app that would account for patients' injuries and prescribe a personalised rehabilitation training programme.

An app that would combine the knowledge of an orthopaedic specialist and a physiotherapist.

That's how OrtoMedSport App was born.



I've created this simple free app to accompany the OMS foam rollers.

Among other functions, it demonstrates rolling techniques, allows users to find the nearest qualified trainer as well as sign up for the OMS Roll Academy training.

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